Vol.9 No.4
Symposium Report
Date and Place: Sixteenth Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Alternatives to Animal Experiments, December 4, 2002, Tokyo, Japan
Theme: Revision of Organ Transplantation Law and Use of Human Tissues for Research
Chair Persons: Yasuo Ohno and Tohru Masui (National Institute of Health Sciences)
Preface: Isao Yoshimura (Faculty of Engineering, Tokyo University of Science)
1) Background of the symposium
Yasuo Ohno (Division of Pharmacology, National Institute of Health Sciences)
(pp 77)
2) Classification of human organs
Tohru Masui (Division of Pharmacology, National Institute of Health Sciences)
(pp 80)
3) Legal aspects of research use of cadaveric organs donated for the purpose of transplantation
Eiji Maruyama (Graduate School of Law, Kobe University)
(pp 85)
4) Importance of utilization of human tissues in drug discovery
Toru Horie (DETHREE Research Laboratories)
(pp 91)
5) Utilization of human tissues from Japanese individuals for research purposes
Shogo Ozawa (Division of Pharmacology, National Institute of Health Sciences)
(pp 98)
6) The present legal conditions and problems in research use of human tissues
Eiji Hinoshita and Yasuhiro Himeno (Oface of Organ Transplantation, Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare )
(pp 106)
7) Discussion on the organ transplantation law
Takashi Yamamoto (Member, House of Councilors)
(pp 109)
8) Panel discussions
(pp 112)