Announcement of the JSAAE Award (ESTIV2022)

JSAAE Awards were presented to two young scientists below at the 21st International Congress of the European Society of Toxicology In Vitro (ESTIV 2022) held on November 21- 25, 2022 at Sitges, Spain(

JSAAE Best oral presentation award

Ms. Axelle Cooreman (Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium)
“Effects of drugs formerly repurposed for COVID-19 treatment on connexin43 hemichannels and pannexin1 channels”

JSAAE Best poster presentation award

Ms. Kaat Leroy (Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium)
“Connexin-based channel activity is not specifically altered by hepatocarcinogenic chemicals”

These awards are based on the exchange agreement between JSAAE and ESTIV signed on October 16, 2018, which JSAAE intended to start in 2020. ESTIV 2020, which was originally scheduled to be held in Barcelona in 2020, was postponed due to the widespread of COVID-19 infection and will now be held in Barcelona, November 21-25, 2022. Therefore, the JSAAE Awards were also presented for the first time at ESTIV 2022.

The JSAAE awards are given to one oral and one poster presentation by a young researcher under 35 years old. Preference is given to presenters from Asia, but not limited to them. The selection will be made by the selection committee of the respective ESTIV meeting, to which a JSAAE representative join.
