8th Mandom International Research Grants on Alternative to Animal Experiments.

Grants Body

Japanese Society for Alternatives to Animal Experiments (JSAAE)


Researchers around the world, mainly focusing on Asia, who engaged in research in the following area in public or private universities or research organizations of national or non-profit-making bodies. You can apply even if you are not a member of JSAAE. If you are accepted, you will need to become a member of JSAAE to receive the grant (this does not apply to foreign nationals).

Research Description

Research relating to alternatives to animal experiments (1. Cosmetics field of research or 2. Others field of research)


Please send a document containing the following information, preferably in MS Word, either as email attachment or sent via ordinary post: 1) Name of applicant; 2) Date of birth; 3) Age; 4) University/research organization; 5) Contact details (address, telephone number, fax number, email address); 6) Degree qualification and date conferred; 7) Specialist research field; 8) Research career(the academic background, the business career, going abroad to study, and the public project participation, etc. after college.); 9) Title of research for which Grants is sought; 10) Purpose of the said research; 11) Plan of the said research; 12) The use of Grants; 13) Expected results
13) Expected results

Send Application to

1-1 Keyakidai, Sakado, Saitama 350-0295 Japan
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Josai University
Tel +81-49-271-7367
Fax +81-49-271-8137
E-mail ht-todo(at)
Please replace (at) with @ when you send e-mail

Selection Panel

Planning Committee of the JSAAE

Selection Criteria

Compliant with the principles of the 3Rs (Replacement, Reduction, Refinement). Research specially focusing on Replacement (no animalexperiments by the Grants).

Amount of Grants

500,000 Japanese Yen (JPY) to 2,000,000 JPY per project; total Grants available: 2,500,000 JPY per annum.

Grants Period

One year from April 1, 2016 to March 31, 2017

Obligations of the Successful Applicant

A research report on the Grants research must be submitted within two months of the end of the Grants period.
The research report must be accompanied with a statement of expenditure detailing how the Grants was spent.
The interim report of the Grants research must be presented at the annual meeting of the JSAAE in 2015, and the research results must be presented at the annual meeting of the JSAAE in 2016, and be submitted to the AATEX journal within twelve months from the end of the Grants period.
When submitting the results of the research, it must bear the title “Research Grants by the Mandom International Research Grants on Alternative to Animal Experiments.”
In addition, we oblige to the information of the journal’s name, the presentation of the copy of submitted paper.
And when the paper was accepted, the reprint must be presented to us.
If any of these obligations are not fulfilled, any and all problems shall be settled by mutual consultation between parties.

Selection and Grants Schedule

September 1, 2014 to January 31, 2015: Application open for bids (deadline: January 31, 2015, postmark accepted).
February 1, 2015 to March 31, 2015: Deliberation and selection of successful bids.
End of March, 2015: Announcement of successful bids, completion of Grants procedures (The payment of the grants becomes it among May).
April 1, 2015 to March 31, 2016: Grants period.

Further Information and Document Submission

As with application (email or fax is preferablel).

Other Information

All personal data obtained through the Grants application shall be used strictly for the purpose of selection for this Grants bid only.